Our Team

Mitchell Posner


Second year member Mitchell Posner is a sophomore in high school who has been doing robotics for 6 years and hosts our team in his basement. He is part of the hardware team and is in charge of our social media videos. Outside of robotics Mitchell plays bass in the chamber orchestra at HPHS.

Grace Tipescu


First year member Grace Tipescu is a sophomore in high school who has been involved with FIRST® for 4 years. She is a member of the outreach team working primarily on projects. She is also on the swim team and water polo team for HPHS.

Lucas Hoobler


Second year robotics member Lucas Hoobler is a sophomore in high school and a member of the outreach team. He is primarily in charge of setting up community outreach events for our team. Along with robotics, Lucas is on the HPHS cross country and the track and field team.

Abby Taub


Second year member Abby Taub is a sophomore in high school and is the captain of our outreach team, this is her 6th year in robotics. Abby is primarily in charge of contacting sponsors and setting up events to inspire students and our community. Abby is also a member of the HPHS band playing 4 instruments.

Jeffery Farkas


Second year member Jeffery Farkas has been doing robotics for 3 years, is a sophomore in high school and is the captain of the software team. Along with helping with CAD he has experience with many different machines and procedures. He also is in the chess team and plays alto saxophone in band at HPHS.

Kavan Walker


Second year member Kavan Walker is a sophomore in high school on our software team. Kavan is mainly in charge of autonomous and, like many in our team, is enrolled in AP computer science classes at HPHS. In addition to robotics Kavan is a part of HPHS’s theater department.


Asher Mendelson

Former Loose Screw Asher Mendelson was on team Loose Screws during the 2023-2024 season Powerplay. Currently Asher is a freshmen at Lehigh University located in Pennsylvania majoring in Systems Engineering as he aspires to be a Supply Chain Manager. Even thought he has graduated from Loose Screws, Asher says he values his experience in Loose Screws, using the teamwork skills he aquired everyday.

Josh Paul


Second year member Josh Paul is a senior in high school and helps both the hardware team and outreach team. Josh is an integral member to our team, participating in the construction of the drone launcher on our robot this season. He is also on the fencing team at HPHS.

Cooper Evans


Second year member and team Co-Captian Cooper Evans is a member of the software team and is a senior in high school. Cooper has been taking AP computer science classes for a few years now and is an important coder on our team. Outside of robotics, Cooper is the highest ranked chess player at our school.

Sacha Stickell Khazai


Second year member and team Co-Captain Sacha Stickell Khazai is the captain of our hardware team and is a senior in high school who has been a part of FIRST® for 6 years. Sacha works on a lot of the CAD for the robot and is a great team leader. In addition to robotics he plays water polo and violin in chamber orchestra at HPHS.

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